The 33nd Last Annual Crusader Ball

LACB33 at the Bali Hai in San Diego, September 27, 2024

LACB33 Attendees

LACB33 will be held at the beautiful Bali Hai on Shelter Island in San Diego, CA, on September 27. The event begins at 11:00 a.m. with social time with the luncheon beginning at noon. After lunch there will be more time to catch up.

The following registrations have been received as of September 10:

Alderink, Jim & Mary
Black, Karen &
   Mckenzie Edwards
Borich, Mike
Brown, Dolly
Calmes, Greg & Bobbi
Campbell, Jay
Cannon, Ken & Jean
Cavicke, Dick,
Corah, Frank & Sandy
Cowles, Dave & Dru
Crim, Roger
Domville, Tom & Carol
Evert, Dick & Mary
Greathouse, Bob & Susie
Ferg, Richard & Barbara
Henderson, Neal & Carolyn
Kilpatrick, Jack & Shirley
Kiper, Bill & Mike Kiper
Leonard, Skip
Lewis, Morrie & Connie
Little, Douglas
Markel, Jim & Bev
Michael, Pete
Morgenfeld, Tom & Norma
Mudgett, Richard
Ozbirn, Jim & Dede
Peters, Richard
Phaneuf, Joe & 
  Michaela Conley
Phelps, Pete
Ringwood, Paul & Lynne
Rose, Raymond
Sachau, Kurt & Dorothy
Schroeder, Chuck & Joyce
Snowden, Ernie
Switzer, Bill & Pam
Tracz, Stan
Umbdenstock, Pete & Glenda
Wagner, Brian 
Wagoner, Jim &
  Karen Higo
Waldron, Mike & Joy
Weatherup, Mark &
  Beatrice Snider
Weller, Gary

40 Drivers
28 Guests
68 Total

LACB33 Committee: Dave Cowles, Dick Evert, Skip Leonard, Jim Ozbirn, Chuck Schroeder, Mike Waldron